Road safety tips to protect lives and improve mobility in cities

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 1.35 million lives are lost each year as a result of traffic accidents. Between 20 million and 50 million people suffer from nonfatal injuries, and many of these injuries result in disability.

Drivers have a great responsibility in their hands because their behavior affects all the road actors with whom the roads are shared (passengers, other drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians, including family members and close friends of all these people).

Usually, when driving, it is not possible to measure all the repercussions that an irresponsible decision on the roads can have.

At Hunt we have the safety and well-being of our clients as a priority, that’s why we leave you some road safety tips with which you will probably save many lives!

Control Your Speed

When driving on the roads, respect the speed limits established by law, so you will greatly reduce the risk of having a traffic accident. According to WHO data, the increase in average speed is directly related to the probability of a traffic accident occurring and the severity of its consequences.

Under No Circumstances Drive Under The Influence Of Alcohol And/Or Psychoactive Substances

When driving, you must be fully aware, using all five senses and the most absolute concentration.

Alcohol and psychoactive substances alter the mind and perception, which is why they do not combine well with the wheel. Keep in mind that being under the influence will significantly increase the risk of accidents resulting in death or serious injury.

Your life and that of others are in your hands. Don’t put them at risk!

Use Helmets, Seat Belts, And Child Restraint Systems

  • Wearing a motorcycle helmet correctly can reduce the risk of death by almost 40%, and the risk of serious injury by more than 70%.
  • The use of seat belts reduces the risk of death of the front occupants of a vehicle by between 45% and 50%. For rear seat occupants, seat belts reduce the risk of death and serious injury by 25%.
  • The use of child restraint systems can translate into a 60% reduction in mortality.

Avoid Distractions and Stay In Absolute Concentration

When driving there are a large number of factors that can cause driver distraction, among them, the one that perhaps generates the most concern in the field of road safety is the use of mobile phones.

  • Drivers who use a mobile phone while driving are four times more likely to be involved in an accident than drivers who do not. The use of the mobile phone while driving reduces the speed of reaction (especially when braking, but also the reaction to traffic signals), and makes it more difficult to stay in the correct lane and keep the correct distances.
  • Hands-free mobile phones are not much safer than hand-held mobile phones, and texting while driving greatly increases the risk of an accident.

Make Sure Your Vehicle Is Safe!

Safe vehicles play an essential role in avoiding accidents and reducing the likelihood of serious injury. There are some UN regulations on vehicle safety which, if applied to countries’ manufacturing and production criteria, could save many lives.

Some of those regulations require vehicle manufacturers to meet standards for frontal and side impacts, including electronic stability control (to prevent oversteering), and ensure that all vehicles have airbags and seat belts. Without these basic rules, the risk of traffic accidents increases considerably, both for the occupants of the vehicle and for those who are outside of it.

For this reason, at Hunt, we offer the Mechanical Technical Review service, to help you verify that your vehicle is always in optimal and safe conditions.

You may like to read Seven Tips To Avoid Traffic Accidents On The Road


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